Eastern Germany

Many companies use the esportivo marketing to annex attributes to its marks. Amongst them, she can yourself be cited success, performance and passion. Esportivo product, according to Shank (2004), consists of conceived good, service or its combinations to supply to benefits all the involved ones with the sport: spectators, practitioners, sponsors, collaborators, etc. Shank defines sponsorship as the esportivos investment in entities (teams) esportivas, athletes, associations, federacies, confederations, leagues, teams or events that configure action of marketing and communication of the company sponsor. For the esportivas organizations, the sponsorship constitutes in one of main sources of income.

To the step that, for the investors by means of the sponsorship, can be an improvement of the image, identification of the consumer with the mark and economy with spontaneous media. The expression can be used esportivo marketing, as Grandson (2000), to describe the activities of the esportivo marketing and for the marketing through the sport. That is, as much the controllers of clubs and associations, how much the companies who use the sport to communicate with its consumers. Already Afif (2000) defines the esportivo marketing as one of the strategies used for the sport to reach its goals. It cites despite, to sobressair itself to the traditional advertising, much creativity on the part of the marketing professionals is necessary, with innovation, that obtains to influence the consumers. For the author, the sport is an investment that to assist the companies, because the esportivo event can reach the expectador, therefore it meets made use to the message of the company and its products more. Description of the Esportivo Marketing The great one landmark of world-wide the esportivo marketing of the present time was in 1984, in the olimpadas ones of Los Angeles (U.S.A.). Although all the problems faced in function of the boycotting made by countries of the Soviet Union, Eastern Germany, Cuba and others 14 countries, its organizadores had carried through a ceremony of imponent opening and had prepared of spotless form to receive athlete, commissions techniques, journalists and spectators.