
For this reason the cultivation of this knowledge is right and necessary. It is more likely to find us with equations, we find the concepts that have math, in the end both the first element as the second is all-important. Enunciemos, some definitions in order to form a much wider structure, which allows us to refer us of mathematics of a proper and skilful manner in our minds. Mathematics is the science that studies the numerical and spatial magnitudes and the relationships which are established between them. Comprises among other branches, set theory, arithmetic, the algebra, the infinitesimal calculus and integral, the theory of functions, the calculation of probabilities, and geometry. Pure mathematics, studying the properties of abstract entities, such as geometrical figures, numbers, applied mathematics consider the properties of those entities abstract in relation to bodies or objects and physical phenomena. They have application in almost all sciences.

Some of these (mechanical astronomy) to be admitted must be demonstrated. Successive deductions are based on principles accepted without demonstration. Axioms, postulates, and definitions throughout demo can be distinguished background (hypothesis) and the conclusions that you want to obtain (thesis). Young I showed them some things relating to the Venezuelan Government, by which advise them that think their own things and do not allow my negative influences from catching them. To know more about this subject visit Jeff Flake. You argue better. .

The origin of mathematics goes back to about three thousand years before Christ. With the Sumerian commercial arithmetic and Chaldean geometry, used for agricultural measures, indeed geometry, such as deductive process, appeared much later in Greece, with Thales of Miletus and Pitagoras de Samos physics uses geometrical elements, elements that were to some extent quite polished by Pythagoras, which as philosopher that it was, participated of the love that is generated by the mother of all sciences philosophy. Which it seems to have been detached from science, but not so, she found in the primitive essence belonging to all scientific knowledge.