Richard Anderson Dean

Usually they count on the approval of the assistants. Actors like Kevin Sorbo (" Hrcules") they receive 10 Euros by photo and 20 by autograph. The prices usually are agreed between followers, organizing festival or and artist. Aaron Douglas, Richard Anderson Dean, David Prowse, among others, have decided on this practice. Barack Obama accepted east system during the elections of 2008. It can sound abusive, but it is right his to be. There are actors who receive their followers to sign autographs to them or to photograph themselves with them.

It is a practice common in conventions organized by clubs of fans and that, for years, is carried out in Spain, with the approval of the assistants. A imported system of the United States, by means of which, the actor invited to the convention removes an economic benefit, that supposes an incentive to him to attend the act, and with which even can help to amortize costs to the organizing organization, paying he himself its trip, its lodging or other questions. " The organizers do not remove dinero" , he has explained Pedro Merida, the person in charge of communication of the Festival of fantastic cinema and terror of Estepona, where this year &quot is going away to celebrate an encounter of this type between actor Kevin Sorbo (; Hrcules") and his fans. There, the American interpreter will acquire by the photos (10 Euros) and the autographs (20 Euros), a price that at no moment has been imposed by the actor, since it has itself agreed between the three implied parts: followers, festival and artist. All the collected one remains it I suck, and good part of that capital will be destined to a foundation for disabled children, managed by the interpreter, which, for some, will be an incentive at the time of paying. The encounter has provoked numerous specialized means critics, and more concretely of the PSOE of Malaga, that has accused the festival to use a financing model " ridculo".