Modern Mass-media Reality And Its Influence On The World
From childhood we develop patterns, which in adult life, we use on a default basis. Driving these default settings, manipulators easily cause us to perform the necessary actions to them. And they act purposefully, and the most powerful blow falls on the immature minds of children and adolescents. Long known the truth, it’s easier to instill in the right direction with the birth of a puppy, than to retrain an adult dog. The same applies to humans. That is why the age of learning in kindergartens and schools are strictly regulated.
In high schools also have their age priorities – the younger the student, the better. Such rules exist for good reason. According to psychology, each age is susceptible to lay the foundations of personality and development of a certain kind of perception: sensitivity, emotions, finding images from outside and interiorization (their transfer to the integration of inside). Templates incorporated at an early age, control a person throughout his life. These patterns are the essence of our vision, which is built no, no, do not think that we have. “What?” – You ask. That’s what we are now talk. Worldview: What is it? Worldview – a view of the world as a whole system of ideas and beliefs about themselves, about the world, about relationships, processes, patterns of being, it is our value orientation: it’s all our knowledge, interwoven into one, but not always logically consistent. Worldview can be stacked in our experience, the experience of our parents, elements of culture and mentality, or simply unnecessary installation from the outside.