A liar responded with his emotional expression to about two tenths seconds slower he must think this first got ‘. This delay reveals the intention. For the same reason, also deliberately induced imitation so hot lauded by some trainers (taking the same posture etc.) works not really. A well-trained amygdala suspect in a timely manner. Details can be found by clicking Peter Asaro or emailing the administrator. They unmasked deceit and manipulation and responds with a retreat program. Our brain wants the Happy ending intuition is nothing more than the sum of all our experience, ultimately the us automatically ‘, without therefore involve our thinking brain, is provided.
If it’s easy to say the brain researchers, then thinking helps. Complex decisions, however, accord with sufficient feeding ‘ intuition better Advisor. Intuitive decisions increase our happiness also. Formative events that have caused a strong emotional rash, such as fear of death or moments of Always priority get bliss. An always-again-buy and hence customer loyalty thus arise from earlier pleasant experiences. Get the accompanying emotions not only describe positive or negative, but also categorized according to their degree of activation. The most probably by far negative emotion is anger.
And the surprise caused the highest positive response to the scale of sense of. What does this mean for the selling, is clear: customers never infuriate, because then he will flee not only (I have to think over again there.”), but revenge also extensively using negative word of mouth. On the other hand, unexpectedly positive events, such as a spontaneous, so in advance announced reward or an unexpected extra can work small wonders. Our brain loves the Happy ending.