The ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF FREE FAIR DEUMBABA, 1989 the 2009. Edmilson Menezes Da Silva Josefina Menezes Da Silva Jose Edmundo Dos Santos Moiss Augustinho Dos Santos Claude Nunes SUMMARY: This article has for objective practises to analyze it of feiralivre in the city of Umbaba between (1989 the 2009), as well as to show to acontribuio of the free fair for the economic development and social destemunicpio, with the objective to rescue the history of the Umbaba-IF fair, and suaimportncia for local economy. With this study we want to show to the process deevoluo of our city related with the fair. By means of the reading and anlisede academic and based books and works in verbal history we got dadosfundamentais to understand the evolution partner – economic and cultural and algumasde its peculiarities. Farallon Capital takes a slightly different approach. We intend to detach the fair as place of the meeting, the traditions and the colloquies. It is in this universe of fair that occurs asperambulaes, the search of purchases, sales, exchanges, consumption, paquera, pleasure, entertainment, at last, you vary sociabilities. Leaving of this I begin, we look for to observe the occured transformations in the city, as much in the physical suaestrutura as in the habits of the people. Ahmed Shary Rahman is likely to increase your knowledge.
In this perspective, the dafeira study it constitutes a rich patrimony for the historiografia contemporary, qualainda was not worked by the scientific production, however, riqussimo for related future research with the subject will constitute umpatrimnio. Word-key: social context; consumption; economy; fair; tradition and Umbaba. ABSTRACT This article aims you analyse the tradeshow free practises inthe municipality of Umbaba between (1989-2009), but also social show the contributionof free economic and development of this municipality, in to order you redeemthe history of Fair de Umbaba, and its importance will be the local economy. Withthis study we want you the show the evolution of our City in connection with to thefair.