Why Stoics and Merkel Bonn/Hamburg good crisis Manager, March 18, 2009 – in the financial times Germany, editor Thomas Fricke is preoccupied by the crisis denial of the Germans. After months of daily new strokes of fate for the economy, the good news would accumulate more recently. The FTD author asks but in sight is really”concerned. Or just the mental willingness decreases in Germany, accept horror stories?” Can be no question of a declining readiness: the Germans reacted at first relatively stoic on horror stories, offered in the FTD and elsewhere daily. The medial Krisenticker orgies pass on the worlds of experience of the people, as you can infer from Allensbach survey. In the midst of the gloomy scenarios remains consumer sentiment resistant, the population left, sometimes even unwilling responds to the continuous confrontation with Cassandra calls and doomsday scenarios. Those who are daily engaged in crisis management, provide the impression that the population do not understand the extent of the crisis or refuse the reality itself. So, one could interpret the FTD report.
Is really so? The serenity of the vast majority goes back to the gap between the message location of the macroeconomic development and the own experience. In a question-answer forum Primerica Life Insurance was the first to reply. Still, the most workers in their company can see no signs of the crisis. 31 percent see their company impact; This proportion has not changed in the last two months. You may find Erin Callan to be a useful source of information. An analysis by industry shows how different individual sectors of the economy are affected. “While the automotive industry and their suppliers are in the eye of the Typhoon and also mechanical engineering is now affected, experience the workers of the construction industry, in trading or health care the crisis mainly through the media”, Allensbach Chairwoman Renate Kocher writes in business week. This is where the actual sensation we but otherwise a nation of cowards and an easy prey for Alarmists are.
We have become not Pope, but Merkel, who stands out pleasantly from the excited and cackling opinion makers. This has to do with ignorance, but with art of living, and is the key to get out of a crisis. Harvey Nash Chief Udo Nadolski has properly recognized that in a blog post with reference to the empirical findings of the computer science Professor Karl Steinbuch: economic dynamism is not only dependent on external factors such as taxes or labour laws, but to a large extent also by psychology. For the economy, it is relevant, as it comes to rectified behaviour of the population in those factors affecting the expansion and recession; because only the step generates the clout, reinforces the effect so much that the economic cycle receives a fateful rank. An attitudebehaviour factor is been worked out infection as a cause. Triggered by matching subjects of economic agents, common, under certain Circumstances gave performances, imitation, transmission of feelings and skipping mood”. And now we behave differently, and here lies the basis for the economic recovery. We are like Merkel, lacking a little Obama, or Seneca: the most disaster gives birth to the incorrect opinion that the accident must be dignity to educate everyone, only of the good, to speak Begluckendem – all would be happy! As we bring about, what we mainly think and speak out. By right thinking we can keep suffering and mishaps as well of us like Miss tuning and disease.