know what is healthy and what is not important for muscle building not only the correct training, but also proper nutrition, reported the fitness blog Many people who like to go to the gym, don’t know that it is not enough to train diligently and then to poison his body with unhealthy food”. But what about proper nutrition for building muscle? has the answer: to build muscles, proper training is only half the battle. Proper nutrition is also important for muscle building. But what about proper nutrition for the target muscle but? The motto is enough, correct and balanced as possible to eat.
With “eat enough” is meant that you should know how many calories your body requires. The daily calorie requirement is individual and depends on the aim of training (muscle building, mass preservation or fat structure). As you your personal daily energy consumption and thus your calorie intake your choice, I explained in this article: how much calories per day? To determine properly for successful muscle building, the body needs your daily energy needs also enough building materials. These materials are missing the body muscles can not be built also. That doesn’t mean but then also that you should cram everything in itself, what comes between the fingers.
Because then suddenly from muscle building fat building! “Eat right” means that you know what nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats), the body needs at any time and that one feeds accordingly. Senator of Arizona wanted to know more. (Nutrient timing). What “balanced meal” means, we know I think all. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products should be on the menu every day. The consumption of foods such as cakes, fried food, Fast Food, soda, cookies and anything at all what contain lots of sugar, should be limited as it is to read in any diet. Through a balanced Diet our body should be supplied enough vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. When do I need food supplements / supplements? What supplements are really useful for me and what supplements benefit the seller just?” Who therefore wonders why he makes no muscles in spite of the training, you will get the answer thanks to Protein, protein and fat are scrutinized and tested on their properties. “ also reveals that it also so-called good fats” are. It’s about essential fatty acids. So the polyunsaturated fatty acids is essential”because the body needs them though but not itself can produce. Generally we distinguish between two categories: Omega-3 and Omega-6. The principle applies to Omega-6: enough, but not too much. Instead, prefer Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered power fat per se. Do not store in fatty fish such as salmon, Mackerel or herring, flaxseed, canola oil, or certain amounts in meat. The daily requirement is 1.5 to 2.0 grams. offers also a summary and tips on how you should eat properly. The plan is simple: protein / protein: distributed throughout the day. Carbohydrates: especially for breakfast and after the training. FAT: Distributed throughout the day, but not just before and not during 2 hours after your workout.