Surely you've seen on the internet enough publications on this subject and already know what methods of family budgets exist. In short, I remind you, the family budget is a joint, separate, and co-separated. Joint – this is when all the income of all family members are added to a 'pool' from which funds are drawn and family needs and personal. Together, the separate type of budget assumes payment of the their income of every family member in the 'pool', which remains as much a part remains in full possession of its owner. Where separate type of budget, each family member individually manages its income.
It would seem that all understandable, but it happens even in families with experience of the spouses may not understand: but how to maintain their budget? Which scheme to choose? To what extent will participate in the budget of each family member? Who will be the 'chief accountant' and 'chief cashier 'families? In this article I will tell you how to build the financial part of the life of my family. Somebody shake him: – 'So what? ", Someone will think: -" Something in this is', and someone may serve as an example. In our family drawing budgeting and planning costs for a month, for the most part, I do. Just because I have it better than it turns out, my wife Helen did not have the patience to count all, well I have and the work of a kind – a thorough count, used (I'm an engineer-designer).