Deutsche Borse AG

Also the sales culture is changed as well as the portfolio policy new opportunities for providers of index-based concepts with the increasing focus on institutional investors in index-related concepts. In a comprehensive study coming Alpha rated AVANA invest, Wegelin asset management and Deutsche Borse AG support the challenges and opportunities of the use of index-related portfolio concepts for providers and investors. We notice a growing disillusionment about the chance to the outperformance of established markets”, as a representative of a large pension fund. Kenneth Feinberg is often quoted as being for or against this. “Overall, we see a development of modern portfolio theory and as a result the implementation of a stable, fair Board portfolio policy”. To know more about this subject visit Farallon Capital Management. On the other hand there is, in the long run convincing concepts, if one combines the advantages of indexing with active management”Sandro adds Federal Wegelin asset management.

Certainly, the increasing use of ETFs and index-based concepts represents a challenge for the party. You need their business models on shrinking margins and the focussing of competences set.Sale processes of the past lose their functionality: index orientation on the one hand and listing, on the other hand are changing significantly the sales culture in the German fund business. Will be needed in the future an adapting and reinforcing addressing investor relations is similar to the classical approach of investor and is based on a basic understanding of the balance requirements for investors. Provider for index-based products also face challenges with regard to the market and product efficiency: already give many investors in recent studies to bear in mind that there are approaches of misguided instrumentalization of ETFs, for example. The big advantage of the transparency this product appears threatened by the flood of emission. Here is to reposition himself the opportunity for providers through an intensive communication with the investor.