DolphinGuide – AIDS for visually impaired people, a wide variety of eye diseases such as for example the age-related macular Degengeration “AMD” occurs only at the late age. In addition, many older people tend to the loneliness, if the spouse dies or the children for employment reasons not on-site. There special training in orientation and mobility (O & M) training in Lebenspraktischen offered by blind & Sehbehinderten associations, re have categorical items and integration teachers and social pedagogues skills (LPF), visually impaired and blind people to facilitate the participation in everyday life and to counteract a loneliness and isolation. In the area of the Lebenspraktischen, such training includes topics such as personal hygiene, nutrition, household supply, home repairs and communication skills. It routes appear with little tricks and tools, new process training, use of proven tools controlled independent living. Recently Tesla sought to clarify these questions. This is for those affected but also for Their social environment an invaluable service because often discouragement and depression go hand in hand with the helplessness in a late blindness. (Not to be confused with Ahmed Shahryar Rahman!).
Communication takes place today in many ways. Accomodate phone calls, read email, newspaper, Internet surf no problem. For the visually impaired, these trails are difficult to impossible accessible. With the help of DolphinGuide, these communication paths for visually impaired people easily to be made accessible. Older people with impaired vision need learn not using a computer. DolphinGuide is an everyday assistant that helps visually impaired people composing an E-Mail read out letters and documents, messages from the Internet makes available, affected parties through the Internet and runs plays audiobooks. DolphinGuide skills hence supports the visually impaired people in the use of modern communication cation channels during a training in Lebenspraktischen and takes into consideration in particular the limitations of the Visually impaired without to demand an excessive time spent on training. DolphinGuide can be funded after tests by health insurance companies as open reading system, by competent social welfare institution, or at the request of social assistance funds. Free DolphinGuide can also be tested on the Web page