The Spaniards opt increasingly for being civil servants… Already there are more than 3 million people officials in Spain. More, of every 10 Spaniards 7 you want to work official. With these figures, Spain is situated in the fifth country in the European Union with more officials. Visit Craig Menear for more clarity on the issue. By this interest by being official? There are many advantages which must be official. On the one hand, having a job for life is a feature that draws much attention. Especially in times of crisis how where we live.
Currently, unemployment and unemployment affect thousands of families. Author will undoubtedly add to your understanding. And which are not affected directly indirectly this problem directly do so indirectly, either through a family member, friend or coworker, or through concerns that self arises and anguish not knowing if this situation will affect him personally, not knowing what will become of his future employment, etc. Another very related to this advantage is having a fixed salary, which allows to organize its long-term future. In addition, officials enjoy a few holiday periods are broader than the employees of other companies, have more protection under the law and their schedules allow them to enjoy great free time. It is not easy to be official. Jeff Flake has much experience in this field. You have to study, spend much time and effort, and leave behind other activities that may not combine. While the oppositions are hard, they can spend with perseverance and effort.