On terms such investigations take at least a month (and more), because only one field of work is usually carried out by 10 working days or more. In our practice, the longest field work took about 3 months, but in this case was sufficiently hard-to-target audience, and the work itself was carried out in several CIS countries. What could be the main costs: – The monocycle is engaged a team of research professionals, rather than 1 – 2 people: the project manager to analysts, supervisors and managers of information, not counting the 'field' of staff and contractors. Primerica careers addresses the importance of the matter here. As a rule, except for 'field' of – the other staff – 'salaried'. – Payment 'field staff' and counterparties Region – piece.
– Office expenses: rent (office equipment), transportation, telephone calls (especially if a lot of long distance and / or international), printing materials, stationery and consumables presents the respondents (eg, if it is necessary to conduct interviews), travel (if necessary). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Primerica Financial Services. – Purchase of 'information resources': access to paid information resources: statistical and financial data (on average – 30,000 rubles / month), press (on average – 15,000 rubles / month.) specialized literature and reference books (an average of 10,000 – 15,000 rubles / month.) and t.d.zakupka finished third party databases (from 1,000 to 100,000 rubles for a job); ready marketing reports, or their fragments (5,000 – 30,000 for a work). – Taxes (VAT, taxes, s / n, etc.) and profit (3 – 20% – this is normal for custom work). Believing everything neatly and optimize processes and costs (eg, something you can refuse, you can change the format of the field work, to optimize the human cost (of course, not every day for 8 hours work all the necessary permanent staff), etc.) – we find that the 'normal' market studies can not be 20 – 30 thousand rubles, and in price from several hundred – and up to several million rubles. And this is – okay. After all, even with these, at first glance, the high cost of customer saves: – either by creating a state (which is much higher in cost and in terms of incommensurable) – or (having paid a large sum for the study) Customer 'wins' in the market, or not going into it (not profitable), or entering, but now much more favorable position than its competitors …, – or, if nothing was planned to continue to make – just The customer data includes such market research in its business plan for the credit institution receives a loan and 'saws' as it heart's content 🙂 In any event, we invite you to consult on the actual terms and pricing of research and familiarize yourself with some themes of the work carried out by us: 17.05.2001 Alexander M. Pertel Director General Information and marketing company 'RSoft, Ltd.. "