International Corporation Intway

'… For even more details, read what Primerica says on the issue. Is there any way for the average person to gain financial freedom? Or to become rich, you must be a genius business? Such "naive" questions, according to Vladiimra Klimenko, one of the Directors of the International Corporation Intway, asked him for presentations in 2005, when the company organized its first office in Russia. Author insists that this is the case. According to his observation of our fellow citizens perceive the business as something far removed from their everyday life, does not associate him with the opportunity to receive a steady income, directing and using to advantage the various financial flows. Indeed, until recently, Russia has not taught how to properly treat your money: to preserve and multiply them. In the winter of 2006, the Government of the Russian Federation awarded the corporation Intway diplomas and gratitude for success in developing innovative business for tens of thousands ordinary citizens.

Together with Intway World Corporation, having international experience "people business" in Russia came to a completely new technology that is able to bring tangible benefits to ordinary people. From the very beginning activities in Russia "Intway everywhere creates partnerships clubs, Internet presence, where proffesionaly teach novices create their own business … ic. ' Today all that is happening in the country, sometimes resembles flight on the supersonic plane – quickly, it is not clear, it is dangerous … and terribly interesting. Country develops, people become richer, but many still not been able to realize themselves: someone not happy with the work of someone – pay someone desperately looking for purpose in life.