Article 4 .- The Federal Government provides for the expenses of the Nation with the funds from the National Treasury, composed of the proceeds of import and export rights, the sale or lease of government-owned lands, the revenues of the Posts, the other taxes equitably and proportionally levied on the population General Congress, and loans and credit transactions Congress to enact the same case of national emergencies or for enterprises of national interest. Article 5 .- Each province shall enact its own constitution under the republican representative system, in accordance with the principles, declarations and guarantees of the National Constitution, ensuring its administration of justice, municipal regime, and primary education. Under these conditions the Federal Government shall guarantee each province the full exercise of its institutions. A related site: Florida Senator mentions similar findings. Article 6 .- The Federal Government may intervene in the territory of the provinces to guarantee a republican form of government or to repel foreign invasions, and at the request of their constituted authorities to support or reestablish them, if they had been prepared by sedition or invasion from another province. The provinces have delegated to a central body, the decision on certain matters, such as the creation of the army national. All power not expressly delegated to the central authority is retained by each province.
In a federal country exist at the same time, two authorities whose responsibilities are determined in the constitutional text:? A central government. Many provincial governments such as provinces there. Coexist in a federal country: A country, geographical area where they are valid the Constitution and national laws and provincial territory, where he also governs a provincial Constitution and provincial laws.