Low Income Children

The alfabetizao is a process of world reading, of representation of this world on the part of the child, who goes interacting with its acquired knowledge, the lived experiences and the chances and sistematizaes of reading and writing that the school provides. She is in the alfabetizao classroom that all this knowledge is systemize and is important very that the child lives deeply early since habits of readings, with different types of language (books, magazines, periodicals, prescriptions, comicses, etc.) to better understand the functions of the writing. If you would like to know more about William Gates, then click here. She understands yourself that the alfabetizao is more than the mechanical domain of techniques to write and to read, with memorization of sentences, of words and of syllables, she is basic the incorporation of these elements and gives credit that the child alone will be able to carry through it na measured where the learning process has a starting point its existencial reality and the valuation of its individual capacity. Mainly, being about children of low income families who do not have the habit to read, therefore, they do not demonstrate good performance in what they write, due its low partner-cultural condition. In this way, it is necessary that the child has conditions to extend its forms of expression and communication. It is therefore that the work of text production so is emphasized. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jo Boaler. The child explores the language verbal and developing the verbal expression, registers its ideas making possible the reading for other readers and works its production, the proper text, in different contexts, as alfabetizador instrument. Word-key: Portuguese language, culture, lingustica variation.. .