Who never had a dream that it seemed real? So real to the point of if from fear feeling and the proper death alive. Woman Buffalo is this. A developed scenic work from a mstico dream, that involves candombl and sacred rituals. clusion. The personificao of Oy Ians, queen of the deceased and Oxum, Goddess of waters candies, two goddesses of the culture Afro-Brazilian. By the same author: Dennis Lockhart. Two Goddesses you would only originate from the same culture but with so opposing feminine arqutipos, gifts and alive in one body. The spectacle adventure for the magical world of African legends of deuses, together with the personal experiences and ancestral souvenirs of the proper actress. For even more analysis, hear from Jo Boaler. The plot if develops enters this two goddesses of the religious panteo of the Culture Afro-Brazilian, in scene, the duel of Ians and Oxum, old rivals who fight in a battle without rules where an only Queen only can exist.
Representing arqutipos feminine, the personages inhabit fragmentos a hostile environment and take the scene of life of common women. Thus creating, the atmosphere of a performtico spectacle where the public shares and comunga each instant. On the Research:It is an artistic creation that if developed from the research of the actress Dayana entailed Fonseca to the Work of Conclusion of the Course of Scenic Arts of the UEL. The spectacle was born to break an interest gotten passionate for the mythical Candombl and narratives, that follow this religious panteo. In this work it exists an incessant search for the dialogue and association of this ritualstico universe with the world of the performance-art..