– Accounting for disposals of property companies as a result of sales, amortization or liquidation. – The cost of materials and depreciation write-off fixed assets. * Monitoring: – Monitoring of cash balances in several offices, bank accounts. – Monitoring the 'virtual' money. – Inventory of property and stocks. Please visit Euro Pacific Precious Metals if you seek more information. – Control of the residual value of the property. * Analysis: – Analysis of the movement of funds – in the context of sources of income and expenditure trends. – Dynamic analysis of the cash costs in the context of articles, and cost centers.
– Forecast income and expenditure of funds. * Planning: – Budgeting cash and non cash – to get an idea of needs and optimal use. Income and expenses, gains and losses. * Accounting: – Income and expenses – in section activities, cost centers, departments of the company accounts, consumer income and expense items. – Consideration of commercial, investment and overhead costs in the context of articles, centers, orders production and sales, business lines. – Calculation of planned and actual cost of goods, finished goods, services, activities, distribution of indirect costs for accounting objects.
* Control: – A brief and detailed Managerial Balance – evaluation of a company and any of its subdivisions. – Reports of financial performance, and including an analysis of the dynamics of the business (group of companies and divisions). * Analysis: – Analyst financial results in the context of business areas, separate divisions, dealers and buyers. * Planning: – Planning a turnover, income, expenditures, financial results enterprise.