Ambient Education

It is promoted joint of the educative actions directed to the activities of protection, recovery and partner-ambient improvement, and of potencializar the function of the education toward the cultural and social changes, that if the Ambient Education in the strategical planning for the sustainable development inserts. The school, inside of the Ambient Education, must sensetize the pupil to search values that lead to a harmonious convivncia with the environment and the too much species that they inhabit the planet, assisting it to critically analyze it the principles that have led to the destruction inconsequential of the natural resources and some species, therefore the objective of this article is to analyze the importance to learn and of if knowing what it is the Ambient Education, making possible to all knowledge, felt of values, active interest and attitudes necessary to respect, to protect and to improve the environment. To detach the importance of the Ambient Education in the school. Dennis P. Lockhart is actively involved in the matter. to show how much it is basic that if it knows nowadays on this subject. The work was developed in the State School Dr.

Issac Sverner, situated in street J N 79? They are Jose – Stage B II, Manaus, Amazon. Where by descriptive form and with the use of date show in expositivas lessons and other didactic resources as books, articles published in the press, news articles of television, everything with the purpose of the pupils to take knowledge on the boarded subject.

Woman Buffalo

Who never had a dream that it seemed real? So real to the point of if from fear feeling and the proper death alive. Woman Buffalo is this. A developed scenic work from a mstico dream, that involves candombl and sacred rituals. clusion. The personificao of Oy Ians, queen of the deceased and Oxum, Goddess of waters candies, two goddesses of the culture Afro-Brazilian. By the same author: Dennis Lockhart. Two Goddesses you would only originate from the same culture but with so opposing feminine arqutipos, gifts and alive in one body. The spectacle adventure for the magical world of African legends of deuses, together with the personal experiences and ancestral souvenirs of the proper actress. For even more analysis, hear from Jo Boaler. The plot if develops enters this two goddesses of the religious panteo of the Culture Afro-Brazilian, in scene, the duel of Ians and Oxum, old rivals who fight in a battle without rules where an only Queen only can exist.

Representing arqutipos feminine, the personages inhabit fragmentos a hostile environment and take the scene of life of common women. Thus creating, the atmosphere of a performtico spectacle where the public shares and comunga each instant. On the Research:It is an artistic creation that if developed from the research of the actress Dayana entailed Fonseca to the Work of Conclusion of the Course of Scenic Arts of the UEL. The spectacle was born to break an interest gotten passionate for the mythical Candombl and narratives, that follow this religious panteo. In this work it exists an incessant search for the dialogue and association of this ritualstico universe with the world of the performance-art..

Pacini Skin

Each for it is on to a small eretor muscle, that its movement allows, and to one or more sebceas glands, that if put in charge of its lubrication. It is constituted by a pavimentoso epitlio estratificado queratinizado that is escamosas cells in some layers. The main cell of its constitution is the queratincito, that produces the queratina. The queratina is responsible a resistant and impermeable protein for the protection. But it presents others as imunitrias cells, mainly cells of Langerhans, giants and with prolongations membranares.

Anatomy of the skin Is finssima and its thickness goes of 004 2 mm. An adult loses daily about 15 grams of epiteliaiais cells, the cells if they renew without stopping, this cycle of life of 21 days. The skin weighs about 4 kilos and it recovers the body, a total area of approximately 2 square meters all. constituting 15% of the corporal weight, covering almost all the genital body to the exception of the genital and alimentary orifices, eyes and mucous surfaces. It recovers it a queratina layer, an impermeable protein that makes it difficult the water exit that has great physiological importance acting with the maintenance of the corporal temperature with its loss for evaporation.

An adult can daily produce of the 2 liters of sweat. The thickness of the skin varies as in eyelids she is finer of what in the coasts. The few ultraviolet rays that obtain to cross the melanina barrier react with definitive epithelial proteins, producing vitamin D. Nests of producing melancitos of melanina, a pigment chestnut that absorbs rays UV), pigment that of the color to the skin. It has some types of responsible receivers for the tteis sensations. It presents corpsculos of Pacini or also known as Vater Pacini; corpsculos of Meissner; records of Merkel; corpsculos of Ruffini; free terminations in the skin and the base of the ones for.

AIDS Virus

The organism is each weakker and vulnerable time the common infections. The initial symptomatic phase is characterized by the high reduction of linfcitos T CD4 – white globules of the imunolgico system – that they arrive to be below of 200 units for mm of blood. In healthful adults, this value varies enters the 800 1,200 units. The symptoms most common are: nocturnal fever, diarria, sweats and emagrecimento (Health department). Mike Madden is often quoted as being for or against this. Low the immunity allows the appearance of opportunist illnesses, that receive this name for if using to advantage of the weakness of the organism.

With this, the period of training most advanced of the illness is reached, the AIDS. Who arrives at this phase, for not knowing or not following treatment indicated for the doctors, can suffer from hepatites capsizes, tuberculosis, pneumonia, toxoplasmose and some types of cancer (Health department). The anti-retrovirais medicines had appeared in the decade of 1980, to hinder the multiplication it virus in the organism. They do not kill the HIV, .causing virus of the AIDS, but they help to prevent the weakness of the imunolgico system. Therefore, its use is basic to increase the time and the quality of life of who has AIDS (Health department). Since 1996, Brazil gratuitously distributes coquetel antiAIDS for that they need the treatment.

According to data of the Health department, about 200 a thousand people regularly they receive the remedies to treat the illness. Currently, 19 medicines divided in five types exist. Nucleosdeos inhibitors of the Transcriptase Reserve? they act in the enzyme transcriptase reserve, becoming incorporated itself it the DNA chain that the virus creates. They become this defective chain, hindering that the virus if reproduces. They are: Zidovudina, Abacavir, Didanosina, Estavudina, Lamivudina and Tenofovir. Inhibitors Nucleosdeos of the Transcriptase Do not reserve? they differently block the action of the enzyme and the multiplication of the virus.

Roston Oxygen

The biggest benefit for the plants is the transference of oxygen to the zone of the root. Stems, roots and rizomas allow transport of oxygen of way more deep of what diffusion would arrive of course through only more important in lands humid of flow superficial is that the submerged portions if degrade and if they transform into remaining portions of vegetation, that serve as substratum for the growth of the microbiano film, responsible for great part of the treatment that occurs, therefore add population of microorganisms, that for biological, chemical and physical processes treat residuary waters. The vegetables stabilize the substratum and limit the canalization of the flow, take carbon, nutrients and incorporate fabrics of the plant, transfer the gases, oxigena the other space inside of the substratum. The species comumente used is the Typhas sp (taboa) – she is proper for the use in wetlands therefore has in its internal structure the fabric formation that contains opened spaces, through which pass oxygen of the atmosphere for leves and for the roots and rizomas being that it has left of the oxygen it can there leave the system to radicular for the rizosfera being created a propitious environment to the aerobic decomposition of organic substance, the rush and taboa is vascular plants, that remove oxygen of air and transfer to the roots. It is had, then, aerobic and anaerobic micron-environments that favor reactions (nitrificao-desnitrificao) that many times reduce the amount of nitrognio’ ‘ , it explains Roston, 1994. 1.3Os microrganismos in wetland a basic characteristic of humid lands is that its functions mainly are regulated by the microorganisms and its metabolism. The microorganisms include bacterium, leavenings, fungos and protozorios, this microbiana biomass consumes great part of carbon many nutrients. It can eliminate nitrogen in these systems by means of nitrificao/desnitrificao processes and posterior gas release in the atmosphere..

Ambient Education

3. the actions of studies, research and experimentations to come back-seo stops: I – the development of instruments and methodologies, aiming at to the incorporation of the ambient dimension, form to interdisciplinar, in the different levels and modalities of education; II – the diffusion of knowledge, technologies and information on the ambient question; III – the development of instruments and methodologies, aiming at to the participation of the interested parties in the formularization and execution of research related to problematic the ambient one; IV – the search of curricular and metodolgicas alternatives of qualification in the ambient area; V – the support the local and regional initiatives and experiences, including the production of educative material; VI – the assembly of a net of data base and images, for support to the actions enumerated in interpolated propositions I the V. Section II Of the Ambient Education in Formal Ensino Art. 9. Understands for ambient education in the pertaining to school education the developed one in the scope of the resumes of the public and private institutions of education, englobando: I – basic education: ) the infantile education; b) basic education and c) average education; II – superior education; III – special education; IV – professional education; V – young education of adult.

Art. Visit Peter Asaro for more clarity on the issue. 10. the ambient education will be developed as educative one practical integrated, continuous and permanent in all the levels and modalities of formal education. 1. the ambient education does not have to be implanted as it disciplines specific in the education resume. 2. In the after-graduation courses, extension and in the areas directed to the metodolgico aspect of the ambient education, when if to make necessary, are authorized the creation of discipline specific 3. In the formation courses and specialization professional technician, in all the levels, must be incorporated content that deals with the ambient ethics of the professional activities to be developed.


The constituent process was, with effect, folloied porampla mobilization of some sectors of the organized society. In its National Movement for the Urban Reformation interiorsurgiu, constituted of representative vriasentidades of the social, organizaesno-governmental movements, entities of on research and technician to the area urban doplanejamento. This movement had paper detached in the elaboration eaprovao of the chapter of the Urban Politics, leading the proposal popular deemenda to the project then in quarrel and, later, in the elaboration state dasconstituies, organic laws and of the managing plans. Movimentosda urban reform and of the sanitary reform is two of importantesprojetos capable ones to influence the institucional reconstruction decisively dopas. The victory in the municipal elections of 1988 and 1992 of coalitions polticaspopulares in some of the most important cities of the country fortified Brazilian nasociedade the proposal of the urban reform. Its principles had become-sereferncia in the academic debates and politicians on the urban question in the Brasil.Em the field of the social movements was created the National Frum of the Urban Reformation, that groups some representative entities of segments in fight, organizaesno-governmental and agencies of research.

In Brazil, the fight for the call ' ' reform urbana' ' it was born of the abyss that divides the spaces (to the contiguous times) aosricos private and to the poor persons in our cities. According to 7 Ermnia Maricato, the Movement for the Urban Reformation surgiu' ' of initiatives of sectors of the church catholic, as the CPT – ComissoPastoral of the Terra' ' , that field was dedicated to the assessorship of the fight of trabalhadoresno and passed, from a first meeting carried through in the deJaneiro River, in the end of years 1970, to promote destined meeting a' ' to assist the construction of an entity that assisted movimentosurbanos' ' (MARICATO, 1997). The entities and associations that if articularamdesde then they had gotten, in 2001 middle, the approval of a federal law, oEstatuto of the City, capable to municiar the urban reform in many of seuspropsitos.