Human Action

Positive interdependence occurs when a person perceives that in coordinating its efforts with those of others, manages to produce better products and thus complete a task more successfully. Note: Prepared with information taken from Senge (1998) All these axioms are based, the process of cooperation, ie, giving and receiving ideas, provide help and assistance, exchanging the necessary resources and to provide constructive criticism. Another group of theorists of organizational learning, Argyris and Schon is conformed (1978), who base their antecedents in the thinking of Dewey, Lewin and Habermas, raised the so-called Theory of Human Action. The relationship thought – action from the viewpoint of action theory, which views man as a being who designs his actions, executes and evaluates its consequences, taking their designs when the consequences of their actions correspond to his intentions and change them when they are adverse. Regarding this aspect, Picon (1994), argues that “this concept involves understanding the behavior as something constituted by the meanings and interactions of actors” (p.

48). From the above it is interpreted that this theoretical approach on the Theory of Human Action, is a paradigmatic constructivist approach, assuming that social actors construct a theory for their intentional actions and the behavior displayed individually, answered to the construction of mental models which are formed by their beliefs, values, action strategies assumptions or premises. As to the theory of organizational or collective action with collective commitments are expressed in the mission, objectives, policies and strategies set out as thought and intention of its members, (Picon, op cit).

The Same

The main advantage of legal persons is that in almost all cases have limited liability. Another advantage is that it can be considered valid the branches be entered in the register. When you are registered it is easier to organize the legal person, since the register controls the legality (rule of law) of registration and compliance with other principles registration. Allow to separate the capital of the legal person with capital partners that formed the legal person. For example, if and b c is a legal person, the capital of the company capital is distinct from the partners. 4. DISADVANTAGES OF LEGAL PERSONS Legal persons have disadvantages, ie legal persons not only have advantages.

Taxation, ie tax system are in another, or put another way taxed more. They have another disadvantage that limited liability can be pushed aside with the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil. 5. IMPORTANCE Create an enabling environment for investment in various forms of legal entities. In addition it is usually more serious contract with a legal person with a natural person. Let members choose which fits their abilities and needs.

The importance of legal persons does not equal the right of all States, in that sense there are legal persons in the same way or in their types in the right of all States. 6. CARACTERE STICA We have not had the light works in which to develop the characteristics of legal persons, which is difficult to say the same, but then try to develop the characteristics of legal persons.

Hyundai Showcased

Hyundai Nuvis officially debuted at the International Auto Show, held in New York. Nuvis – crossover new generation, combining avtribuy friendly city car and the characteristics of a premium car. Nuvis – a look at future generation crossover Hyundai (Hyundai), whose representatives are currently Hyundai Tucson (Tussal) and the Hyundai Santa Fe (Santa Fe). Hyundai Nuvis – created in the California design center company in Irvine. The car embodies the very popular recent trends – compact, economical and environmentally friendly. The key to the success of crossover Hyundai Nuvis its hybrid system Hyundai Hybrid Blue Drive, enabling it to fully comply with the fuel economy, which will come into effect in the U.S. in 2015.

Nuvis represent the views of designers at Hyundai urban crossover near future. Appearance crossover settled in the new corporate style of Korean brand, presented recently on the prototype ix-onic on Motor Show – the successor to today's Hyundai Tucson (Tussal) and the Hyundai Santa Fe (Santa Fe). On each side of the concept are opening up two-door type 'gull wing', which will provide access both to the front, and rear seats. Nuvis differ extravagant body design and a spacious interior with neon plastic panels. Designers to create the appearance of the concept car inspired by the movement of water and forms which creates a wind from the snow. Thus, the car must create a sense of motion even while standing still. Nuvis conceived as a versatile vehicle for active people: in the morning his owner could go ride through the desert Happy to go into the mountains, and in the evening an official dinner. As one of the features touted Nuvis interior upholstery, made from recycled plastic bottles! Four passengers can communicate with each other using new technology Methode Electronics TouchSense.

At a mass in 1542 kg of the concept car has a length of 4.78 meters and the width and height of 1.97 and 1.66 meters respectively. Hyundai Nuvis – a hybrid car. This is evidenced by the inscription Blue Drive on the body of the Hyundai Nuvis. The complete assembly of the hybrid Hyundai Nuvis includes 2.4 liter Theta ii engine is paired with a six-speed automatic transmission and electric motor, 30 kW. Accumulate energy lithium-polymer batteries, which are more effective than lithium ion. Hybrid plant provided for the concept car Nuvis, will be used for the Sonata sedan next generation, which will appear in 2010, and the same design will borrow the new Tucson, Premier which is scheduled for the second half of this year. The car can move as a pure electric or by conventional motor, and using these two units together. According to the company, the conceptual crossover spends about 6.9 liters of fuel in the urban cycle, while on the highway fuel consumption is about 6.7 liters. Besides Hyundai Nuvis different modern technologies such as: a system of automatic stop and start engine, which automatically suppresses the motor when stopped at traffic lights or in traffic, a package of polymer lithium batteries and electric air conditioning compressor.

Launguage Study Equipment

Necessary means for self-study language 1. The most important thing – a textbook! In the annotation to see him, whom he recommended. As his very first tutorial, choose the ones where there is a recommendation "for the students themselves" 2. Audiokurs initial stages of language learning. They are now in many stores for virtually all European languages. Necessarily look at abstract to him, text support, volume and content themes. Choose a topic which is more consistent with your goals – household general lexicon, hiking, or your profession.

Order not to have so that you accidentally bought a set of discs for children of preschool age! 3. Keeping notebooks Compendium is a must. Yes, if you want to get serious. It is necessary to take notes in a notebook, write back everything that you want to remember, draw it to record labels and rules, as well as their own comments to learning. According to its own records, usually much easier to repeat passed than a textbook. 4. Dictionary. When will choose the dictionary, use the same approach as the choice of textbooks – first look through, check, check, do you understand that it is written and easy to use whether a dictionary for learning.

5. Your personal notebook dictionary. She absolutely necessary at the initial stage of language learning! This is your personal dictionary, you'll collect new words, and better to do it thematically. Suppose to write individual words on the topics: "household items" "Food," "feelings", etc. Be sure to introduce topics related to your profession, if you study the language in order to move up the corporate ladder or get a new job. Organize your own personal "language environment" Long, long been noted: repetition – the mother of learning. Ideally, if you can afford to study the language on a daily basis at least an hour. But as a rule, people working with families can not always find this hour free time. What should I do? Surround yourself with "reminder"! Ancient techniques – putting up cards with words in all the places in your home where your eyes can linger on them. Importantly – the right to have your "Visual aids" in the right place. And at the right time to mobilize ourselves to ensure that pay attention to them. Then you will see that, without straining, you calmly "dial" the necessary time to recurrence.>>

Respect Nonrenewable Resources

The passage through the capital of the Aysen Region not only gave the actors the opportunity to perform for audiences that does not always have the possibility to access the theater. Also to express their opinions in other areas, some of which touch them closely. Vanessa is the case with Miller, who is currently one of the leading voices of the organization “No Alto Maipo” which opposes the power plant and has faced the transnational corporate lobbying of energy. In this role the actress has a definite opinion on the cost of intervening watersheds, environmental institutions and national energy policy. His involvement in these matters is based on its commitment to public issues and that “I have made clear that the matrix and energy development can be today the most important issue, especially in Chile, a country sustained by the huge demand for mining amounts of energy. ” In his view, it is now necessary to change the law and, more profoundly, reform constitution in relation to these topics.

In the case of the Maipo Basin, which is threatened by a draft AES Gener and approved by the Metropolitan Corema, Vanessa Miller says that “now installed a mega project that ends in a watershed degradation is the main water source 7 million people, and you say here is something wrong. There is a basic kind of consciousness that is not working. ” In this sense indicates that it is these issues which the move, “and I mobilized at the time of Pinochet out to say I do not want to kill anyone because he thinks that communism is a viable way to develop a country, which I I can disagree or not, but I will not kill for that. And that fact alone seemed to say mobilizing this state of affairs is disastrous, sometimes I make the analogy between the dead, the fallen, and destroyed non-renewable resources, which are also fallen. ” Consider that even “not fallen resources, are common, people. Behind all those decisions that do not respect the few resources we have and the need to sustainably manage intelligent and there are people who will be afectadisimas and so we can not imagine. ” He concludes that this is endorsed by the experience of developed countries that have based its energy on dams and hydropower, and that costs were already partners “which has already come back.”.

Violation Of Accounting Principles

As practice shows, the recent accountants many companies do not bother to study the content of regulations (standards) of accounting, and some of them do not represent the financial statements. In most cases, the accountants of enterprises concerned with tax reporting. What are the consequences may be of non-compliance of accounting principles? Typical violations of accounting principles registration list and the content of accounting principles and financial statements are presented in Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" dated 16.07.1999 996-XIV and paragraph 18 of the P (s) A 1 "General Requirements for financial reporting. "Most of the bugs and kinks in the financial statements are the result of non-accountants in the two main principles: accruals and the related income and expenses on which to determine the financial result of the reporting period should be compared earnings of the reporting period with expenses that have been made to obtain these revenues. The income and expenses are recorded in the accounting and reporting when they occur, regardless of time of receipt and payment of money; diligence, according to which assessment methods used in accounting, must prevent undervaluation of commitments and expenses and overstatement of assets and income of the enterprise. Undetermined net realizable value of stocks of a typical violation of the precautionary principle is that companies do not represent the reserves on the balance sheet date on net realizable value. Many accountants are either not heard of this term, or do not know what document it predusmotreno.Napominaem, pursuant to paragraphs 24-26, P (s) A 9 "reserves" in the accounting and reporting Inventories are stated at the lower of two estimates: the original cost or net realizable value.

Accounting Services

For any company present, except the leading type of activity, there are many questions that need to solve with it. In this case, most such issues require special preparation: legal, tax and so on. More of this very important and this will require not only specific training, but at the same time and knowledge of the subtleties of the relationship with the national bureaucracy, are the nuances of organizing the financial life of any enterprise. Naturally, at this time legal services has, in principle, a considerable number of different companies, but in order to feel truly in full security, need to find the truly best. Jurists in the modern economic community can be called a true magician. In fact, because as the head of every company wants to give most of the difficult aspects to deal directly masters. As a trivial example: if the registration of companies, or their re-registration is carried out real professionals, if the company appear more numerous opportunities.

Even the time given up to allow direct administrative issues is minimized, moreover, reduces the level of expenditure allocated to allow the nuances of having connection with re-registration. Experts in able to produce all the desired maximum rate is not particularly distracting, with the employee organization that will be able to do their own workers' affairs. The success of any production is concentrated in highest quality planning of the whole process. Not just the main kind of activity, but also the elimination of the nuances of the certification, cash payments and the like. And if the company is small, then the accounting care for her – far more practical solution for a problem than the creation of personal accounts department with expensive professional economists.

Especially taking into account that the accounting – the question is more than difficult, and highly desirable that all acts with ties to the financial work, are processed on time and on standards. Since this is not solely the successful operation of the company, but also the formation of a clear structure calculations which facilitates further processing of final required financial statements. Selecting professional assistance, the organization acquires the optimal tax structure, all the nuances of licensing and registration brands. And it shows that the company prefers full personal success in the marketplace.

Configuration Details Accounting Enterprise

1C Accounting 8 is a universal program to automate accounting businesses of any size. '1 C: Accounting 8 'built on a new technology platform '1 C: Enterprise 8' – unique platform does not exist, it is ahead of trends in the development of software to automate companies in the world. '1 C: Accounting 8 'solves the full range of accounting tasks – from entering the primary documentation and automatic generation of entries for business transactions, to balance development and the automatic completion of quarterly reporting. In the '1 C: Accounting 8 'can keep track of business activities of several organizations in a knowledge base, as the overall tax regime, and for sts (including individual entrepreneurs working on USN) and utii. Separately, it should be noted the most significant differences between the standard configuration '1 C: Accounting 8 'from the standard configuration 1C 7.7: To maintain tax records (income tax) using a separate chart of accounts, similar in structure to the accounting chart of accounts – it simplifies comparison of data of tax and accounting. Implemented cost accounting of materials, goods and finished products in three ways: by average cost to fifo and lifo. By syllable can be Quantitative and accrual accounting.

Settlements with counterparties may be maintained as the contract in general and with specific settlement documents. In most documents, the user can independently change the corresponding accounts are used by default – it can be useful when the user has added a new account or subaccount. Has greater flexibility and scalability: A Guide preseed companies themselves can choose the number of licenses in the workplace for working with the program, the size of the database is practically unlimited, for large databases, we recommend the use of client-server job option. The program has a flexible mechanism for setting records. It is possible groupings, sorting and selection is not only a specific value, but also on the list of values for any props sampled values. For example, we can construct the 10 th card accounts not only for specific materials, but also for all the materials for which the rate of vat is 18% and the country of origin 'Belgium'. Journals papers there is a possibility filtering on multiple fields, the ability to sort not only by date but by number, and sorting can be either ascending or descending order.

Through the use of 1S Enterprise 8 configuration already has a mechanism for the distribution database that allows you to quickly set up data exchange between remote branch offices in the mode 'OFF-LINE' (mode of the periodic exchange of data). In conclusion, I would say that due to expansion functionality of the platform 8, configuration is much faster under the user's requirements, while allowing the new platform improved compared with the platform 7.7. The delivery program includes free subscription to drive its (Information technology support) for 6 months. Updating and maintenance of the program occurs only when you subscribe to its.

Robert Schumann

It was a difficult composer tastes. Beethoven, Schubert and Schumann were not among his favorites. Was severe with himself and others, published only works considered worthy. He despised the shallow and deep music, of which there were many examples. It had hidden traces of undeclared thoughts.

Chopin did not reveal the source of his inspiration, which was unique, with no parents or children. Chopin is great to the extent that betrays the classic form with absolutely personal solutions To him belong the most beautiful sounds that can be obtained from the piano. Besides the originality of the invention, the accompaniments that support the melodic line, generous writing the left hand is a miracle. Chopin was never happy, destroyed the pens and pencils. He dreamed of the perfect edition of his music. (Valerio Cappelli) possibly the most famous critic of music history was authored by Robert Schumann and Chopin as object. Was published in the Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung on December 7 1831.

"Gentlemen, get out the hat: a genius," read the first paragraph. Schumann built there a little scene: the speaker is Eusebius, one of the heteronymous the composer, before touching the opus 2 Chopin: Variations on La ci darem hand. The novelty of the encounter between these two men born in the same year was twofold. A new musical object demanded a new partner writing: this article, the first of hundreds who signed Schumann, was also the birth of modern music critic Robert Schumann, writes about Ela, Chopin, a introduced the spirit of Beethoven in the concert hall, "he writes in the commentary of the piano concertos.

Reduced Marble Floors Terrazzo

The process of cut and polish the marble floors, terrazzo or granite is pre-polishing process and applies to new pavements or pavements with old worn out and scratched the surface over time. An inexperienced person usually tends to confuse the terms "polished floor" and "ground shine" while for professional floor polishing are two completely different concepts. Each of these two services is characterized by a different procedure, and use other machines and other equipment for each of these services. The main task of a lower service and marble or terrazzo is not to make the floor shine but serves to equalize the surface of newly laid tiles. In the process of placing soil is virtually impossible that a floor installer put them in a perfect flush. We explain using the example of a motorcycle repair shop has been placed on the floor of a repair shop terrazzo tiles. As the tiles seemed placed in a perfect, managers have requested a service exclusively pickling and polishing the surface, without recess. When the workshop started its activity, it appeared that the edges of the terrazzo tiles were damaged and broken when workers moved from site of large displacement motorcycles, dragging along the ground with supporting posts.

It turned out that the construction company has never polished (lowered) this soil, which would equal the surface, but directly proceeded to shine. Polished service, or route is then applied to new pavement, freshly placed to eliminate the damage caused during placement and to match together. It is often also make the service of recess, polished and refined in the marble and terrazzo floors where the surface has deteriorated and worn with the passage of time. The recess and polishing of marble or terrazzo floor is to polish the floor with stone polishing machine using different grains. The first lowers the topsoil with very coarse grained rock, then paved the surface with medium grit until you reach the finest grain to achieve the level and texture of stone suitable to proceed with its polished.