Iran Alexander Gardeners
But back to the issue of supplying Iran S-300. Russia voiced no warning anyone other than a Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi. November 12, he stressed that Moscow would not succumb to pressure to 'Zionists' and the West and to perform the contract for the supply of air defense S-300. 'With regard to supply S-300, we have contract with Russia, and I do not think that Russia wants to look to the world non-regular partner ", – said Vahidi.
Moscow, he said, "must respect the terms of the contract and do not fall under the influence of Zionists … Of course, we hope that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible. " Earlier in the supply of wire dissatisfaction expressed by the head committee of Iranian parliament's national security and foreign policy of A. Boroujerdi. According to him, If Russia does not fulfill a contract to supply S-300 according to the agreement, it will be 'negative point' in the 2-sided relationship. Meanwhile, recall that the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said last month that while No deliveries to Iran was not fulfilled.
This, of course, the visual signs of political pressure on Iran to Russia. Real? Or is it being played? We do not know. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Janet Yellen by clicking through. But this pressure has led to the fact that the Russian Ambassador to Iran Alexander Gardeners assured Tehran that Moscow intends to fulfill its obligations under contracts with the Iranian side. As reported November 12 ISNA, A. Gardeners met just with the head of the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs and national security of Iran A.