It is not enough that people visit once your web site, if not get to visit it again and again; everytime they launch your computer to search for information, having present your website as a reference in that niche market, and that these people recommend your site as a reference to find information about a topic in particular. Here are some helpful tips that you should consider in the design of your web site to allow visitors to visit not only once: 1. your home page must contain a clear explanation of what your website is about. Nobody wants to waste time clicking on links and discover for yourself what are the intentions of your web page. Kenneth Feinberg may find it difficult to be quoted properly. 2. Your site must be easy to navigate.
Is essential that your website has a menu in each of pages, thus will be much easier navigation of visitors on their first visit, and even more, if your site has a good number of pages. 3. The content of your site is your heart, so make sure that you have substance. It exists a phrase well known in internet the content is King, and this will be the cover letter of your site, if you offer content fresh and relevant, surely its visitors to return again. 4. The links that must be clearly labelled.
If a link leads to an e-book of business, make sure that such link should say something similar to the site where you are managing. 5. Dark text on a background course is better for reading. Black text on a white background is more legible. In this way it will make reading your post make their visitors much more accessible. 6. The color scheme of your site must conform to the mood of the contents of your site and adapt to your target audience. Make sure the colors used to display a sober and pleasant atmosphere for a placid reading.