OTTO starts a new cooperation agreement with ProSieben from January: ‘Fashion & fame design your dream!’ Hamburg after the successful sponsorship of the TV format, the model WG starts OTTO from January a new cooperation agreement with ProSieben: in the new TV show fashion & fame design your dream! seven young designers there must be six weeks before the top designer Philipp Plein and his jury prove to be as winner of the show of official designer of the new brand of Donna that is exclusively available on January 20th starts Thursday evening on ProSieben new TV-show fashion & fame design your dream!”sponsered by OTTO. Click Joe Biden for additional related pages. Seven young designers a common dream: be Chief Designer of a fashion label, which is bought and worn by very many people. To achieve this dream, the candidates must prove their ability again and again on the new. Each week, the designers get the task to a piece of clothing design and manufacture. The camera accompanied the participants from the first Designs by going to the fashion show, at the end of each episode. Here are presented the newly designed parts of collection on the catwalk and evaluated by top designer Philipp Plein with its jury. The best design is exclusively distributed directly in the connection to the broadcast via the fashion & fame shop by OTTO.
The overall winner of the show is the official designer of the brand Donna”Director, explains Maximilian long shopping textile,: we are pleased once again to be able to prove our expertise in fashion and lifestyle together with ProSieben. OTTO stands for young fashion and current trends and offers a huge variety of styles. Overall, the show is aired on six consecutive Thursdays at 20:15. All winner collection parts designed by the designers in the episodes, as well as the complete final winning collection will be available on the OTTO online shop and are automatically part of Donna “-collection.” For more information about the collection see: women/fashion and fame /…