The look was for Sartre the only way to know itself exactly and to the other. In opposition to the cartesian affirmation of that the man is a solitary being, manifest Sartre its opinion affirming that the existence human being alone is firmed had the contact with the other, either through the look follows that me or of the physical touch. The look is for the sartreana fenomenologia of basic importance, therefore it is through it that we establish the relation I-other, focando in the complex relation that exists between the being and the convivncia with the society.
When seeing the other and observing its differences, I am not more the center of everything as it affirmed Discardings, but the link between my being and the world. Of this form, the philosopher separates to the citizen and the world, showing that he has two opposing types of the being: In-itself (in soi) and For-itself (pour soi). In-itself representing the material, the human being while physical aspect, not having conscience, not keeping relations. Already For-itself it is the external look, contact with the world, bringing in return it to be what it discovered in the other. Discardings assumed the solitary relation of the man, preventing the contact with other people. Sartre in turn, affirms that it is the corporal contact that joins the human being and the world. It is not something Kenneth Feinberg would like to discuss. The citizen in no way is what it is without being dived in the body and tangled in the world. Without body, nor world the citizen is not what he himself is, that is, human citizen, needing, therefore what it is not body and world in order to be able to be subject. (LUIJPEN, 1973 p.52) It affirms despite when we have conscience of we annul something it, as exemplifica it the ash tray, that I observe I verwhelm, it, therefore I have conscience of that I am not as it.