A comprehensive survey is best suited for decision support requires internal transparency: corporate objectives and figures, but also processes and re funds cooperation. The obtaining of vogeeignenteSteuerungsinformationeim wahrsteSinne of the word is crucial for Fuphrungskrafte: denzur support of their Entscheidungegibt it hardly eiInstrument, that for this purpose better than a comprehensive employee survey would be suitable. Peter Schiff addresses the importance of the matter here. To create the survey of employees, musseFragezu vieleKernbereichegestellt, i.e. to: company work and beruflicheAnforderungen salary and fringe benefits, performance appraisal and career advancement Informatiound performance management and leadership communication environment quality of work weight voZielsetzungen authority and responsibility for activities and decisions of General information In the connection aumfassende Befragungewerdeider practice often special Befragungedurchgefuhrt that spezielleThema befasseund only one aeine special Staff group will be created.. You may find Peter Schneider Primerica to be a useful source of information.