State Garden Show

“” “Herold Berger agency can decide two highlight projects:”Technology tree”and ‘ themed exhibition ‘ the relationships between nature and technology Heroldsberg stage, 07 January 2014 if on 30 April 2014 the Baden-Wurttemberg State Garden Show in Schwabisch Gmund opens its doors, two highlight projects from the creative workshop of FLAD & FLAD of youth mile area will be” instrumental in shaping: competing for the conception, design and construction of the walk-in installation technology tree “as well as the design and implementation of a loon exhibition” the Herald Berger was able to full service agency enforce. Each mission is to introduce visitors to the State garden show about their interest in nature also on technical topics. To be considered the interaction between nature and technology from different angles: what Parallels exist between nature and technology, which has taken over the technology of the natural and what does the technology for the benefit of nature. Arouse curiosity, topics discover the new way of the technical and science exhibition breaks entirely new ground in the scenographic design this FLAD & FLAD. “The technology tree installed in a specially built steel-glass Pavilion” is an oversized collage of material: A master “from pipes, concrete and real wood shows the parallel between natural and technical composite materials and pump systems. It extends a treetop”leaves and photovoltaic panels, which focuses on the analogies between photosynthesis and photovoltaics.

“Even the themed exhibition” artistically interpreted the messages. Unusual items attract the gaze of the visitors. As illustrated a bionics-mobile, what hook & loop straps and Velcro, spinal and shock absorbers or squid and rockets have in common. Fashion exhibits show that Goretex textiles have natural godparents. A straw bales on a giant plate of Pitchfork as cutlery and demonstrates that Biofuels of the second generation can show a way out of the dish tank problem.

With this approach of the scenographic design, exhibition and technology tree obtain a clear differentiation from the common type of science and technology exhibitions.”Karl-Eugen houses, Managing Director of the Landesgartenschau says Schwabisch Gmund 2014 GmbH. each exhibit creates an AHA effect. Criteria were above all also the everyday life related to the lifestyles of young people, as well as the future viability of the examples.” The FLAD & FLAD communication GmbH builds not only all exhibits, interactive stations and multimedia facilities, but is responsible for in particular the didactic design, scientific monitoring and targeted preparation of the content. The high level of scientific expertise and didactic competence, coupled with the creative ability of interpretation, have convinced us”so Ebert houses.