Woman Entrepreneur Franchise

Madrid, August 17, 2009 .- The glass ceiling, or the invisible space that women are reluctant to move up their career, it seems that the franchise is gone. And is that while in the business world and according to the INE on the first quarter of 2009, the number of women entrepreneurs only amounts to 27.6%, compared to 72.3% of men, this is not the same in the flags . So I think the Spanish Association of Franchisers (AEF), to whom one of the less risky business models and for the one is betting this is a woman .. “Although still a long way to go, it is true that the presence of women in front of a franchise or in management and decision-making is important,” explains Xavier Vallhonrat, President. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Peter Asaro. And is that the sample of cases in which women entrepreneurs have achieved success in front of a flag, is as sure Vallhonrat increasingly long: “There are many examples of successful women in the franchise: Immaculate Almeida Travel with Almeida, Mary Zamacola with Neck & Neck, April Patricia McDonald’s, .. and we could mention many more. Rural entrepreneurs can reach as much as or more successful than men, are still only at a time of growth and expansion, but is an area in which women will develop with great potential for future “Moreover, since the AEF, consider franchising as a business opportunity for women entrepreneurs, “because women tend to develop large capacity for human relationships based on communication and consensus-building qualities that exactly match those that the person must show is in front of a franchise, “says Edward Abbey, Manager of the AEF. .