Clean Language

For example, the coach follows the client all spoken words: "…. and there is excitement that you can not catch a deadline, you are lost, sometimes hands are shaking and feel like number scored in the chest … "selection of the most powerful, charged cell (in the opinion of the coach) from the set of words the customer. For example, the coach builds a hypothesis that the most effective used in the element "a stake through the chest": "… and when the count in the chest …" in the use of this element – the direction of the client's attention to the item for a detailed study. For example, the coach keeps the words "…

and when count in the chest … is there anything else about it, "a stake through his chest?" … .. where exactly is it? …. What size? …. What made this number in your chest? "The advantage of Clean Language questions lies in the fact that during the session, the coach uses a minimum his own words, thus leaving the customer maximum freedom to express themselves, studies himself in his own words, their own images and concepts that reflect his words. How to respond to the situation problem? When a client is describing a problem, the coach first confirms it, then the coach invited him to explore the desired result that the client would like to receive. Model question Coach: And when (… the words client about the problem, For example: "And when you feel anxious") that you want to happen? Example: Client: Duration of the project puts pressure on me.