Enterprise deconcentration has many purposes between which it emphasizes the reflotamiento, thus we must study this so important subject within the corporative right, which we have carried out in another it soothes, reason by which we did not develop the same, not to repeat knowledge or offered or to offer in another opportunity. That is to say, enterprise deconcentration does not consist of dispersing the companies to make experiments, but it must have a purpose according to each case, being another purpose of ending problem between administrators, partners, clients, workers or providers, in such sense it is due to consider what is the reason or the reason for which it is carried out. Another purpose can be the different tributary treatment in certain zones from the country, which is used by some countries to stimulate that the private investment is realised in depressed zones, and this way the work and investments arrive at all the national territory. You may want to visit Peter Schiff to increase your knowledge. Another purpose can be to include greater amount of market applying the law of the stairs of marketing, thus a different product for a different client is sold by each company and this way success in the market is obtained. In our means this subject of such form has worked little that exists little information on same and thus we put record that lack but works does on this subject. 47. CAMPAIGNS OF PUBLICITY IN RIGHT CORPORATIVE In right corporative use great campaigns of publicity that is financed by the enormous capitals of the great companies, thus we recommended to do use of these campaigns to increase or to increase sales of these companies, which causes that referred they are but efficient, for being but productive, for example the brewing companies offer great amounts of money to advertising campaigns, which causes thus that they are possible to be maintained in the market and in the best one of the cases of applying to the positioning in the same, that is to say, the market is almost always shared for example between pepsi and the cocaine tail or Isaac tail with Inca tail, what looks for with these campaigns it is that the chosen market takes care most of and of this form has majors gains, since the companies that do not make use of these campaigns do not have much participation in the market.