How much the constatao of the increasing manifest inaquality that if in the world from years 80, with the economic integration and the cultural International and the social and national disintegrations. At Farallon Capital Management you will find additional information. Between the utopian 0 variable or goals not reached in the parallel to the accomplishments techniques, it has a humanitarian emptiness that it needs to be filled, to be debated, to be argued and transformed into goals of public politics, front the problematic emergenciais that had appeared, either for consequence of new forms of consumptions, and new methods of production of wide scale that requires substances cousins beyond horizontes extrativistas, and the automation or industrial robotizao, that generated unemployment. The humanitarian goals: production? consumption does not contemplate in the universe of the global politics the sustainable development aiming at the preservation and the perspective of the coming generations, of the nature, nor of the current one in possible impacts consequences. The greed of the corporations, that adds the great international capital does not contemplate the ethics of the preservation and ' ' amordaa' ' governments? disabling action of social matrix or condizente with the diffuse and collective interests in benefits of a minority. One proves of this descompromisso on the part of that (s) that ' ' it manages (- m) ' ' manipulates (- m) the international politics, controlling governments through great controlled companies, happened in Copenhagen, where the goals of the global politics in favor of the preservation, balance and the life in the planet were relegated for the profit and interest of great companies who only think about the profit in the surplus of an elect government to represent them. In a world in frank process of integration and Brazil with centuries of intense relations with the exterior, it does not have isolated modernity. Front to the displayed one, Buarque (2009), affirms that Brazil cannot fall in the naivety of if denying to receive capital foreign, that can help in its project of modernity, still less in the dullness to imagine that of this capital it will come solution for the national problems. . .