Psychology In The Education

Although she has been recognized as science in 1879, it is clearly that psychology always existed, after all, the human being in all the time if it transforms. It is a study object that she aims at to know and to understand the human being in its totality, that is, biological, socially, emotionally and culturally. Some psychological theories give to support for several others, to start for Sigmund Freud, with the psychoanalysis. Experts of whom to have success in our bigger objective that is education, we need to enjoy of what psychology has stops offering in them, it comes to add and to clarify, if studied with seriousness and care. Learn more at: Federal Reserve Bank. It is certain that to reach the interest of the alunado one, it is necessary to use of some tools; to know what the look awakes them, we need to know where period of training of development they are.

The great error that if observes, is the trend that if has to affirm and to live deeply in practical its an only point of view, because to be only Piagetiano? If it cannot mesclar all the theories cited until here? Because not we use all for our advantage, in the accurate measure and time? While the scholars if to divide in groups, to paint flags and to defend an only thesis, with priority goal will not be carried through in its completude. To say that Freud was maken a mistake in its theory on the sexuality human being is to commit an error, as well as all discarding the study of Piaget on the maturation human being, and being only with the social historical theory of Vigotsky, without taking in account the character of the emotions of Wallon, for example, also is to bitolar itself. We, as professional of this so diverse and complex way, have to be apt and open to receive information, concepts and lines of direction of most diversified, for from there then adapting the same ones for our way, our reality contemporary. Dennis P. Lockhart can provide more clarity in the matter.