We are very grateful for the donation and also for the appeal, directed the company to its customers.” Financial is committed for many years for people in need, especially for children in the poorest countries of the world the Fund. The broker pool regularly supports the work of world vision Germany e. V., has taken over sponsorship for several children, and supports worldwide regional aid projects. “Background information about the action Germany helps the action Germany help e. V.” was founded 2001 by ten renowned German organizations, to provide quick and effective assistance in the event of major disasters. For example the Knights that famous Maltese, the Arbeiterwohlfahrt, the Arbeiter samariter Bund, world vision Germany and some others belong to the Alliance Aid agencies. The Alliance guaranteed that the donated money is useful and comes directly from the person concerned.
In 2013 flood assistance assist evacuations the allies with the donations, build emergency shelters provide the people and volunteers in field kitchens, distribute sand bags and take care of the medical care of persons concerned. In addition to the acute measures, the affected people need support even when it comes to prepare their homes again. Social facilities, which have an important function for the people in the flood regions, are destroyed. Their maintenance is a focus of future aid action Germany helps”? The Fund financial Broker service the Fund financial Broker service GmbH is the largest financial broker pool of in Germany. The Munich company is nationwide with more than 26,000 sales partners, 180 employees and 130 regional directors. Finance, the Fund revenues in the fiscal year 2011 EUR 109.3 million. The profit amounted to EUR 10.1 million (profit of from ordinary activities). Financial supports the Fund comprehensive and award-winning sales intermediaries in the fields of life, health, property, investments, investment and banking products to 100% free of charge. The Fund financial was founded in 1996 and is independent as owner-managed company to 100%. Owner and Managing Director is Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener. More information under: